HPI - PIONEER is proud to introduce the BC Chuck.
The BC chuck is a bearingless Mill Chuck design with a nose diameter of 1.13". The nut design employs a simultaneous
locking surface between the locking taper and shoulder which prevents over tightening and improves rigidity. A result
of this design is an improved balance due to the locking collar returning to the same position after every tool change.
This tool is dynamically balanced for 20,000 RPM standard.
The bore of the unit has 2 slots to improve flexibility but are not milled thru to seal for high pressure coolant
Holding power has tested approx. 2 times that of a ER20 Collet Chuck. The BC chuck is designed for cutter tool
shanks with H5 shank tolerances for proper holding power.
DCAT40-BC050-0256, 1/2" ID with 2.56" Projection from gage line of the spindle. Starting at $330.00 List Price for the
coolant thru the center model.
DIN AD+B model's and longer projections coming soon!
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